
Grace Bible Church | 7415 E 15th St | Tulsa, OK 74112

Sermons from Micah

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October 25, 2020

Who Is Like The Lord

Speaker: John Dugas Series: The Twelve Passage: Micah 6:1– 7:20

October 18, 2020

The Days of the King

Speaker: John Dugas Series: The Twelve Passage: Micah 5:2–15

October 11, 2020

The Kingdom Will Be The Lord's

Speaker: John Dugas Series: The Twelve Passage: Micah 4:1– 5:1

October 4, 2020

God's Concern For Justice

Speaker: John Dugas Series: The Twelve Passage: Micah 3:1–12

September 20, 2020

When God's People Become God's Enemy

Speaker: John Dugas Series: The Twelve Passage: Micah 1:1– 2:13

December 15, 2019

Messiah Is Coming

Speaker: John Dugas Series: The Twelve Passage: Micah 5:2–5, Zechariah 9:9–10